Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lidio Pimienta

if you dont like this video, you're a fucken idiot...

Lido Pimienta - "Platanitos" (Rita Indiana) Cover from JeanStephane Beriot on Vimeo.


Dotmo said...

I don't know about all that ("being a fucken idiot" I mean), if anything because it does require a certain patience, engagement, and I believe historical awareness to fully appreciate it (or like it that much), but I definitely haven't seen a visual piece say so much (about something serious and relevant), with so little (it seems much was done with the means on board), and so interestingly in a minute. Thanks for the post. Looking forward to future one's (Cali ese!?), yours friendly, Che

efephoto said...

ha, i obviously, dont really mean that, but it is the best thing that ive seen in a while.

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