Instead of hitting the gym with the wife (i showed up but then walked right back out of the gym) I wandered around St Marys street. Althougt it isnt the indepenent music strip it was when I was younger (or atleast my impression of it has fallen) its still a street in San Anto that is fairly unique and does have its own history. It's also, basically, in a working but artistic class neighborhood so gentrification hasnt squeezed on it yet, and hopefully never will. So for that, i still have much respect for it. Point being that I get lost a lot... get lost a lot. You ever met my mother, she'll tell you the same thing (I cant count the number of times I got lost and was purposefully left behind at the flea-market, with the hopes that I would learn my lesson). Its not that I have a poor sense of direction (I actually have a very good one) but as soon as I start wandering in the least bit, ADD kicks in and then Im gone. Shit, one of the best things that ever happened to me was getting lost in Brazil, grabbing a six pack and drinking it on the bus....ahhhh

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