After documenting Mojoe ( for the better part of a year, we figured some sort of exhibit should be put together to display the purely live-performance documentation... "The Live Recordings: The Audio/The Visual." If you know me, you have probably heard me say that its been a pleasure, and not too difficult, to document musicians that you've been listening to for years before you start shooting them... Very rare actually... With Sole Boutique as the venue I put together an collection of 25 images on easels to be viewed while Easy and Tre performed a couple of acoustic songs with Henry (Henry and the Invisibles). This shit is exhausting and hectic... i could never make it as a professional planner of anything. Even a good thirty minutes into the opening, andaba como pollo sin cabeza. Lucky I don't know shit about purchasing wine, so I bought too much and was in good company. Anyone that showed up had the chance to "take a pic and leave a pic" using a Polaroid SLR 680 with a custom self-release trigger (my excuse to buy a new toy). Well, from being too hectic at the beginning, to being too throwed at the end, pic taking was ironically limited but below is a brief recap of the night. Wish you were there.. paz

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