I guess I should begin with some type of quasi-formal introduction. Go into some background... Im not narcissistic, but I believe you should have some idea of where I've been, in order to really understand where Im coming from.
Im the son of everything thats come before me and the child of my mother. I am originally from Oaxaca, MX and to quote myself on an another writing, 'It is a place that is rich in culture and natural resources, though people starve and are abused. A place most people will never know, even when visiting.' To me, a place of much joy and beauty. I came here (United States) very young, de mojadito. I arrived in San Antonio (southside) and rarely ever left. I am a product of my environment, but thankfully only to a certain extent. The only times I headed north of my neighborhood, was to visit family in the westside. Straight from there, I lived in Austin for about 6 years... Two very different worlds, 90 miles apart. I learned, I discovered photography, I met my lovely wife, had a gorgeous daughter, and then got the fuck out and moved back to San Anto as soon as I could. Im working in education at the moment, and have been doing so for the last 6 years in one way or another. Im trying to figure it out. If I can do this or not: stay an educator and stay a photographer. I tend to be stingy with my time and energy these days. Pues, lets see.